Well-known teenage content creator and live streamer Peller, whose real name is Habeeb Hazmat, got into a fight with his senior colleague Isbae U during a recent interview.
In the most recent episode of his YouTube series “Curiosity made me ask,” Isbae U mentioned Peller as his guest, which sparked a flurry of online responses.
The interview, which is set up for funny and insightful conversation, started when Isbae U tagged Peller as an illiterate and Peller expressed his disapproval about it.
However, Isbae U, who was the host of the show, continued to throw jabs at the 20-year-old comedian. He also asked him series of personal questions.
This did not seem to sit well with Peller and threatened to beat up Isbae U. In a video capturing the moment, he attempted to punch Isbae U.
Speaking in his Yoruba dialect, he said, “I will punch your face, I will hit you before you can try to adjust yourself. Your stomach will hold you down.
Watch the video below: